I bought a very full gallon size bag of jewelry pieces the other day for $10! Included in the bag were tons of earrings, bracelets, necklaces, rings, you name it! Some of the pieces were still wearable and I added those to my ever growing jewelry collection. Other pieces were broken, or had lost its mate. I figured it might be fun to make an eclectic charm bracelet. Even though there were lots of pieces of chain in the bag that I could have used, I decided to go with a chain of fishing swivels instead. I made three separate chains using (4) #10 barrel swivels for each chain. I added a couple of copper beads to each "snap" section before closing it. I purchased a toggle clasp that allowed me to hook the three chains to it while providing a little space between the chains (you can see what I mean in the following pictures.) I then proceeded to attach a variety of "charms" to the fishing swivels, most of which were broken or lonely earrings. I figure I have less than $4 into the whole project!
If you click on the following picture to enlarge it, you can better see the pieces that I hooked the three chains to. These pieces came with a toggle clasp attached to them, but I removed the toggle clasp and opted for a more traditional, secure clasp.

This bracelet is fun to wear and reminds me of the charm bracelet I wore as a young girl.
Linking up to THESE great link parties!