I just returned from Girl's Camp where I had the privilege of helping with crafts. I have been to camp for 17 years now as a leader, but this is my first time working with the crafts. Thanks to all the wonderful ideas on the internet, we were able to do some awesome crafts with the girls! So here goes...
First up were these wooden plaques with vinyl lettering. My friend over at
Vinyl Craft Lettering provided us with two different fonts and colors. I cut the boards 3
1/4" x 18" from MDF, then routered the edges and drilled the holes. The girls painted them with their choice of color—some even doing multi colors, splatters, flowers, borders, etc. They then applied the vinyl lettering and added the wire hanger. Just make sure the paint is good and dry before applying the vinyl. Simple and successful!
We also made no-sew braided headbands that day. I found
this great tutorial over at
sugarbeecrafts.com....GENIUS! The girls LOVED this craft. They made them with flowers and without. In fact, they continued making these throughout the week!

On day two, we made duct tape purses. Anything with duct tape is always a big hit! In fact, the adults wanted to make them, so we did a late night crafting session—which was great in helping us work out the bugs before teaching them to the girls! I found
this great tutorial at
allthingsthrifty.com. I loved the use of fabric for the interior (it was cute and cut down on the amount of duct tape used.) We started with a piece of fabric that measured 9" x 18". The boxed corners at the bottom really gave them shape! Our budget didn't allow for cording and grommets for the handles, so we used fabric and duct tape. All we did was lay a 14" strip of duct tape sticky side up, and then placed about a 1" strip of fabric down the center (usually the same fabric as the interior.) Then the duct tape was folded about 1/4" over the edges of the fabric. We made two of these for the handles. Here are the creative purses that some of our leaders crafted. They are a perfect size for lunches, scriptures, or water bottles and necessities!
UPDATE 4/28/2013: If you would like to view a step-by-step tutorial of a simple, fabric-lined duct tape purse, visit my youtube channel. Become a subscriber so you can be informed when I add new videos! Here's the link:
On the third day, we made notepads from cereal boxes. I found the idea at
infarrantlycreative.net. I didn't get a picture of the ones we made, but this was the idea...
We also made emergency purse kits from Altoid tins. This was a project I posted earlier on my blog. These really come in handy. One of the girls that had made one originally with me says that she uses it ALL the time!
If you would like to view a video tutorial on how to make these little kits covered with duct tape instead of paper and mod podge (much easier), visit my youtube channel and take a gander. Here's the link:
Become a subscriber so you don't miss out on any future videos!
All in all, I'd say that craft time was pretty successful this year. Now we have a whole year to scour the blogs and find cute things for next year!
Lisa and myself, a.k.a "Crafty Ladies!"